Our Wedding Party


These women have taken turns being my rock throughout the seasons of my life, and getting to know each one has changed my life. Their friendship has lifted me up to know all the wonderful things that love has to offer, and without them I could never find myself here today. For some of us our friendship was destined before we were even born — shout out to my Maid of Honor! — and for some of us, it seems like God brought us together right when we needed each other. We’ve eaten together, lived together, laughed & cried, opened Christmas presents on Christmas morning, rolled our eyes at our Capstone professor, and danced the night away together! These women have shown me depth, joy, and support and the real meanings of friendship every day. I count them, and all my girlfriends, in my blessings every day. (:

The Gents

These gentlemen have seen us through the most hilarious, and our deepest.

Our cousins Anna Buhmann, and Joseph Aaronson will be also be joining the celebration as Junior Bridesmaid and Ring Bearer, and the Bride’s little cousin Theresa Rose Milner will be joining us as our flower girl! (:

Planning our wedding has been exciting, fun, and sometimes challenging! Having so many supportive friends and family with us has been a huge blessing. Though we wish we could invite all of our besties to stand beside us, we are honored to introduce the friends and family that will be with us on the Altar on our big day!

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